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Collect revolutionary records that give you access to a whole new world.

A world where hanging out with your favorite artist is a reality.

Say good morning to the artists you love. Owning a record acts as a ticket to exclusive virtual spaces where you can personally interact with your favorite artists.

Because you deserve it.

Without u,
Muusic would be worthless.

Listening to a song should be transcending.

And oh so much more than just a stream.

Dr. Strange said it best: “Death is what gives life meaning, to know your days are numbered, your time is short.” Only a limited number of each record is released, so building the best collection requires an editor’s ear and a superfan’s dedication.

That's why we reimagined the music player.

Records >>> tracks ;) Vinyl record nostalgia. Lossless audio. Your newest epiphany. We’ve got it all.

Share your collection everywhere.

Because the music you listen to says something about you.

The song is you. You are the music you listen to. Go from tastemaker to curator and share your curations with the world.

Muusic sounds better with u.

Our futures

Our record collection experience is just the beginning. We are dedicated to developing the best tools, technology, and experiences that change the way music is valued.

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Stay updated with our progress, upcoming artist releases, and ask us questions. We can't wait to see you there!